Monday, September 18, 2006


So hey everyone this is the first post of what I hope to be daily updates of the Green River Race 2006 which is being held at the Green River Narrows on November 4th, 2006. I hope everyone is either already training or getting ready to start! If you're not a racer then put the date on your calendar and come cheer everyone on. Of course the big question this year is seeing as Tommy Tsunami Hilleke now lives in Colorado and Pat Keller will certainly be healthy this year after suffering a devastating injury just weeks before race day last year, can Tommy hold on to his crown? my vote is YES! I mean of course Pat is a machine in training and everything but Tommy's won what the last six green races I think? And showed no signs of letting up last year laying down the FASTEST time in Green Race History even faster than the prior year when we raced at 200%!!!!! Also lets not forget about the fact that several people have the ability to upset Tommy and Pat and take the crown for themselves. I hope I don't offend anyone by leaving them out but here is a quick list of my favorites to upset Tommy and Pat and no they are not in order all of these guys could do it.
Jon Grace
Tobi Won Kinobi Macdermott
Chris Gragtmans
Jason Hale
Brad Kee
Adam Herzog
and many many more!!!!!!
I unfortunately am stuck in Jackson Wyoming and can't get on the green to dial in my lines so I personally am running 40 minutes a day and paddling a Wavehopper down Snake River canyon every day trying to stay in shap so I can show up and hopefully show Clay Wright who owns the short boat class!
I would like to encourage anyone and everyone to email me with what you're doing to get ready for Green Race, Some shit talking quotes and anything else that might be worthy of posting on this page like history of the race, Green Race Photos from years past and especially more shit talking! lets get it started boys!
my email addy is
Thanks guyys and good luck
Austin Rathmann


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